August 2022 Newsletter
on August 1st, 2022
God has been blessing and blessing! We are so happy always to have a good report! We love and appreciate all your support including your prayers! He is helping us to bring in this End time Harvest of souls everywhere He sends us. People are looking for miracles and healings and the precious Word to be preached. They come with faith expecting and the Lord just moves in wonderful ways to meet the needs.  Read More
July 2022 Newsletter
on July 1st, 2022
Praise the Lord! The Ft. Payne, AL tent meeting July 10,11,12 was just as awesome as could ever have been expected! Souls saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, miracles, signs and wonders, good preaching, prophecy, great singing, wonderful fellowship and a refreshing of spirits in the Presence of the Lord. We will be there again next year and it will be even better! So, plan to be with us. As soon as we have dates, we will begin letting you know! Thanks to all of you who attended and to all who helped make it a success in the Lord!  Read More
June 2022 Newsleter
on June 1st, 2022
Praise the Lord! God surely blessed us during May. We have been able to get into a few services ourselves and be blessed and refreshed by the Spirit. I have been able to get more videos on my channel. We now have 100K subscribers! Praise the Lord! God is good all the time!  Read More
April 2022 Newsletter
on April 1st, 2022
Praise the Lord! We already have a full schedule for the month of April and looking forward to every minute of it! God surely blessed us during March in so many ways. We are going strong in the Lord to be the blessing He wants us to be to every soul we meet. Please remember to pray daily for us and for souls to be reached in these meetings. So many good testimonies have come out of our March meetings! We thank Him for all He does!  Read More
February 2022 Newsletter
on February 1st, 2022
Greetings in the Lovely Name of Jesus!  We trust you are enjoying the blessings of the Lord coming your way this year.  We appreciate hearing from each of you and certainly have enjoyed getting to see you in person when we can come to your area.  God bless each of you who support the ministry in any way.  We pray daily for you and love you in the Lord.January 30, 2022 we were in Grand Ridge, Flori...  Read More
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