December 2022 Newsletter

The Lord most certainly richly blessed in the services in November.  We had some of the greatest miracles and people just delighted in worshipping the Lord.  There was just a magnitude of His Presence and the people reached out in faith to receive their blessings.  God is good all the time to each of us and wants us to do our best for Him.  Let’s look forward to this season of celebrating His birth as the True Messiah prophesied by Isaiah and others of the OT prophets.  He indeed is our Savior and His Name is JESUS!

The Women’s Conference was held in Sheridan, AR on Fri., Sat., and Sun. nights, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of Dec. 2022.  We’ve had such a wonderful time here.  They have opened their homes and fed those who were eating.  Some were fasting along with me.  

Friday night went well.  All were blessed with the miracles that the Lord did.  On Saturday night, Dec. 3, Sis. Rose read from Deut. 28 and then talked a few minutes.  There were about 200 present.  She asked for those who needed prayer to come forward.  She and I prayed for several and I ministered minutely to many of them.  I don’t know how to describe the Presence that was here Sun. night in the service.  There was such an awesome power of the Angelic Being that was here in this building.  It was so powerful walking among us.  It was a work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I wore my mantle that night and there were several healed.  Such an Anointing!

The conference in Sheridan, AR at Heaven’s Trail Cowboy Church was supremely magnificent!
God moved for numerous miracles!  He reached out to one who was tone deaf and gave an instant miracle!  One experienced a recreation in the intestines.  Another received a flushing of the system in the liver.  One person was ministered to that cancer was killing every organ of the body.  “The Power of the Lord comes to your body to heal you!”  And the person was healed.
That same person had ulcers all in her mouth for five years and instantly received a miracle.  She had been unable to eat and had lost much of her weight.  The Lord said, You’ll gain 45 pounds!

One lady had been depressed for a while.  “Your life is fixing to change so drastically; you won’t cry for seven days!  Your appetite is fixing to change.  The lining of your stomach has been eaten out.”  Another who’d had a heart attack was ministered to: “The Lord will strengthen your heart from the heart attack.  The beat will become regulated.  The muscle will be restored.
The Lord is going to deal with you about a vegetable that will help to restore your heart.”  “God’s healing your kidneys. Your legs will be restored as an outward sign so you’ll know your heart has been healed.” 
A lady who had a tormenting spirit fighting her mind stood before me.  “I drive it out in Jesus’ Name.  You’ll see a dramatic change in your daughter as well.”  I told another lady to bring her sister home from another country to the United States.

I ministered to a woman who was standing proxy for her husband who was at home.  I got my staff and said, “Rise up David in the Name of Jesus.”  “It’s done!  He’s going to walk around whistling!  The Lord will get him out of this mudhole!”  

Then I ministered to a lady whose younger sister was with her.  “You shall begin to prophesy.  You will lay hands on your daddy who is your big supporter.  The wisdom and power will amaze you coming out of her mouth (sister’s).  The Lord calls you into the ministry:  dreams and visions.  You’ll feel Him pulling you aside to talk with Him.”

Another I ministered to: “You’ll find a $100 dollar bill when you walk across the parking lot going to work.  This is a sign to you He walks with you.  Chains that have tormented you are dropping off!  You are healed in the lower stomach area – no more cramps!”

One man was from Ft. Smith, AR.  I prayed for him and the Lord said, I’ve got a work for him to do for Me and told him he’d had a great loss.  When the man awoke early that morning, God had told him to go preach the Gospel.  His daughter died and he was so heart broken.

My wife and I were praying for a couple in the prayer line.  They were wanting to know what the Lord wanted them to do with what they’d been blessed with.  I said, “You’ll build a church with it.  There’s a great call on your lives.  The Lord is restoring back to y’all.  This church will be between Sheridan and Little Rock.  All through this area is a need for real worship.”

Next, we prayed for a young man.  “I bless your hands.  He is touching you in your body.  You must get you some sleep.  Your heart can’t take it:  the long hours you work.”

The next couple: “Y’all are out of the chicken business.  God’s fixing to bless.  How does Mitchell Farms sound?  A miracle is coming in your finances.  God’s got things for y’all to do.”
“God’s fixing to make Himself real to people.  He will turn your whole lives around.  You’ll build a new church in this area.  God will give you the money to do it.”

These are just a few of the miracles the Lord performed in this series of services.  To God be the Glory.  My wife and I are so grateful how the Lord moved and did the impossible in the lives of these precious people.

We went next to Desert Springs Community Church in Safford, AZ for Dec. 9, 10, 11.  The miracles have really been strong.  There were great miracles in this last meeting.  God has really been moving in these services.  God is just richly moving in such a great WAY!  The Lord is moving in a POWERFUL WAY!  It was a Super meeting!  Very Powerful!  I’m excited about what the Lord is doing!  On Sunday night, our last night, Sis. Rose had a prayer line and miracles happened.   
Let these words be a sign to you that the Lord is not through with America!  Oh, no!  This is just the beginning!  If we will stand together in unity, there is no limit to this end time Harvest that will come in both in this new year and the next year!  Praise God!  Keep the Faith!  Amen!

Then I had a one-night meeting in McIntosh, AL under the big blue tent with Bro. Wilbert Reed.  That was Wed., 7pm on Dec. 28.  People braved the weather to come and be blessed both with the preaching of His Word and miracles following.

The Gathering in Grand Ridge, FL under the tent will be January 19-25, 2023.  We are in preparation for a glorious move of the Lord.  We’re asking all who will to join us in prayer for these services and if you feel led to fast, then do so.  We are anticipating large crowds and God’s Awesome Presence!  We’ll be joined in one accord in this Gathering to reach out to the Lord for all He wants us to have!  God bless.  We look forward to worshipping with you!
                                                                           Words from Our Hearts to Yours
Greetings to all our friends!  We love and appreciate all each one of you do for the ministry!  There’s much in store for us in this coming year of 2023.  We are certainly looking forward to all the meetings that are already in the making. Two people smiling 
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Our prayers are reaching out to each one of you that when we are in your area, you will be able to attend and be blessed.  If you or any of your loved ones or friends are in need of a miracle, then come be with us in our services.  Come expecting the Lord to meet you there and reach out for whatever the miracle is that you’re needing.
There are no limitations with Him.  He is the God of the Impossible.  He has never failed.  And He never will.   He will reach out to you in these services as you reach out to Him.  You surely won’t leave the way you came.  
We have been seeking the Lord for all of you and for this beloved country of America.  We are believing along with many others for the turnaround to come soon.  It’s Harvest time.  Souls are needing to answer His call to enter His Ark of Safety before the door of invitation is closed forever.
Yes, we are busy about the Master’s business day and night.  He is helping us to minister to the needs of everyone who will reach out to Him.  There’s no limit to what the Lord will do for you if you will only trust Him.
We are excited about what we see the Lord doing.  We want to share with you all the wonderful things that we have seen and heard Him do.  So many miracles have taken place in the year of 2022.  Just looking back briefly, we have seen the blind to be healed, two ladies have seen through glass eyes, a lady with arthritis has been able to walk and do things she had not done in years!
Let us leave you with this thought in mind.  Look to the Lamb of the Living God!  He came to set us free: heart, soul, mind and body.  As we turn our eyes upon Jesus our Deliverer, He will come to our rescue.  We will never be the same.  His Anointing can come upon us, and we can do the works He has called us to do.  Praise Him!  Give Him thanks!  In His mighty Name, Amen!

In His service always,
Bro. Timothy and Sis. Rose Dixon


Joanne Demler - January 12th, 2023 at 3:48pm

Just received Timothy's CD.

I really appreciate it.


Sylvia Lang - January 17th, 2023 at 2:18am

We had so hoped that we could join the gathering in Florida, but will not be able to. Will the services be available for viewing.

Janice Moore - January 17th, 2023 at 2:57pm

Had the privilege of attending your meetings in AZ. Love you both. Blessings!

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