February 1st, 2022
Greetings in the Lovely Name of Jesus! We trust you are enjoying the blessings of the Lord coming your way this year. We appreciate hearing from each of you and certainly have enjoyed getting to see you in person when we can come to your area. God bless each of you who support the ministry in any way. We pray daily for you and love you in the Lord.
January 30, 2022 we were in Grand Ridge, Florida again. Wonderful people! Bro. Tim Faircloth, the pastor, is a fine Christian man. God always moves in a magnificent way! We thank them for their kindness in allowing us to minister there.
February 6, 2022, we were invited to the Sunday morning service at Grand Ridge. We had a wonderful service. I ministered to the people in prayer and prophecies.
My wife Rose and I have been to Sheridan, Arkansas Feb. 11, 12, 13 for night services of a healing campaign. God has really moved in marvelous ways. She has ministered the first night on Ezek. 34 where the shepherds failed to feed God’s sheep. It was a very stirring message. Then she and I both preached on Sat. night on Divine Healing. The final service Sunday evening was taken over by the Spirit’s moving to be a miracle and healing service. It was great!
Fort Payne Ladies Meeting weekend of Feb. 18, 19, 20. My wife Rose attended these meetings and brought back a good report. God’s Spirit really moved in every service.
If you haven’t yet listened to my latest prophecy videos of Jan. 25, 2022 and Feb. 11, 2022, please find them and listen carefully. You will need to listen more than once if you want to catch it all. God is really moving for His people and wants to help them. You will find there is information on the activity of His Heavenly Hosts in both these videos. They are invisible to the human eye but constantly on duty to protect the heritage of the Lord.
Then on Feb. 23, 2022, Wed. my video is about a prophetic dream. A word from the Lord.
It involves some teaching on satanic worship, witchcraft and the Illuminati. I have been much in prayer about 2/22/22. God has been revealing more about human sacrifices of these cults and the leaders that are caught up in it. If you have not yet watched this one, please do. It is full of info revealing their evil practices.
We are already filled with a good schedule for March. Check it out on my website for details.
March 4,5,6 is the Abundant Grace Tabernacle in Kernersville, NC. March 12,13 in Atoka, TN is a Prophetic Conference. March 17-19, maybe 20th is in Bedford, IN. Then March 27 am and pm is at Jeffersonville, KY. April so far is the Fresh Fire Spring Conference in Nashville: April 6-10.
Then we will be in Huntington, TX three days April 15-17. Looking forward to seeing you!
As far as what is going on in the world of nature, the very first week of February is showing 52 volcanoes as active. It was March of 2021 since that many were active at one time.
Already one underwater volcano has been discovered that will be a threat to an entire continent.
A 3.8 quake hit Japan on Sun., Feb. 6, 2022. A 4.5 hit in Medford, OK on Feb. 2. A 7.5 hit Japan, also.
ETNA has been on livestream now for at least three weeks. It finally erupted Thursday night, Feb. 10 and when the second eruption hit, so much pressure was generated that it cast fiery boulders the size of cars over one kilometer down the slope! Then a second eruption occurred on Feb. 21, a Mon. It too, was a big one. It sent ash 7.5 miles upward. The local airport was closed for a time and flights were cancelled.
Mt. St. Helens has had small quakes.
To prove animals are so very sensitive to earthquakes: On the 14th of Feb. all during the day and that night down in Argentina in the South Atlantic Ocean where dolphins are plentiful, thousands of them after feeling the rumbling off the Ocean floor swam rapidly for the sea- shores and beaches fleeing for safety.
There is now a new usage for the term tsunami. It was reported recently off the coast of Greece that a tsunami of birds hovering just above the waters was coming in. They literally were coming by the thousands. So many of them that they actually appeared as if they were a large wave coming in!
Some countries have had so much snow like Turkey and Japan that it’s closing down movement of normal living. Japan for instance has had drifts that measured 13 feet. Just mountains of snow.
The European countries have suffered much and heavy destruction with loss of lives from several hurricanes. Eunice was one of the worst, packing winds on shore of 122 miles per hour.
Trees and power lines were downed. Homes and buildings were damaged. Vehicles had trees falling on them and were submerged in the flood waters.
With the month of February coming to a close we look in retrospect of what the Lord has done already in just two months. God is constantly hearing our prayers and delivering us day by day. As I prophesied in the video on Jan. 25, 2022, when you listen to the videos, release your faith for your needs to be met so the Lord can touch you. He is the God that never fails! It is impossible for Him to fail! Don’t we love knowing that! Jesus is the way maker. He will always be there for you.
In His Name, Bro. Timothy and Sis. Rose Dixon
January 30, 2022 we were in Grand Ridge, Florida again. Wonderful people! Bro. Tim Faircloth, the pastor, is a fine Christian man. God always moves in a magnificent way! We thank them for their kindness in allowing us to minister there.
February 6, 2022, we were invited to the Sunday morning service at Grand Ridge. We had a wonderful service. I ministered to the people in prayer and prophecies.
My wife Rose and I have been to Sheridan, Arkansas Feb. 11, 12, 13 for night services of a healing campaign. God has really moved in marvelous ways. She has ministered the first night on Ezek. 34 where the shepherds failed to feed God’s sheep. It was a very stirring message. Then she and I both preached on Sat. night on Divine Healing. The final service Sunday evening was taken over by the Spirit’s moving to be a miracle and healing service. It was great!
Fort Payne Ladies Meeting weekend of Feb. 18, 19, 20. My wife Rose attended these meetings and brought back a good report. God’s Spirit really moved in every service.
If you haven’t yet listened to my latest prophecy videos of Jan. 25, 2022 and Feb. 11, 2022, please find them and listen carefully. You will need to listen more than once if you want to catch it all. God is really moving for His people and wants to help them. You will find there is information on the activity of His Heavenly Hosts in both these videos. They are invisible to the human eye but constantly on duty to protect the heritage of the Lord.
Then on Feb. 23, 2022, Wed. my video is about a prophetic dream. A word from the Lord.
It involves some teaching on satanic worship, witchcraft and the Illuminati. I have been much in prayer about 2/22/22. God has been revealing more about human sacrifices of these cults and the leaders that are caught up in it. If you have not yet watched this one, please do. It is full of info revealing their evil practices.
We are already filled with a good schedule for March. Check it out on my website for details.
March 4,5,6 is the Abundant Grace Tabernacle in Kernersville, NC. March 12,13 in Atoka, TN is a Prophetic Conference. March 17-19, maybe 20th is in Bedford, IN. Then March 27 am and pm is at Jeffersonville, KY. April so far is the Fresh Fire Spring Conference in Nashville: April 6-10.
Then we will be in Huntington, TX three days April 15-17. Looking forward to seeing you!
As far as what is going on in the world of nature, the very first week of February is showing 52 volcanoes as active. It was March of 2021 since that many were active at one time.
Already one underwater volcano has been discovered that will be a threat to an entire continent.
A 3.8 quake hit Japan on Sun., Feb. 6, 2022. A 4.5 hit in Medford, OK on Feb. 2. A 7.5 hit Japan, also.
ETNA has been on livestream now for at least three weeks. It finally erupted Thursday night, Feb. 10 and when the second eruption hit, so much pressure was generated that it cast fiery boulders the size of cars over one kilometer down the slope! Then a second eruption occurred on Feb. 21, a Mon. It too, was a big one. It sent ash 7.5 miles upward. The local airport was closed for a time and flights were cancelled.
Mt. St. Helens has had small quakes.
To prove animals are so very sensitive to earthquakes: On the 14th of Feb. all during the day and that night down in Argentina in the South Atlantic Ocean where dolphins are plentiful, thousands of them after feeling the rumbling off the Ocean floor swam rapidly for the sea- shores and beaches fleeing for safety.
There is now a new usage for the term tsunami. It was reported recently off the coast of Greece that a tsunami of birds hovering just above the waters was coming in. They literally were coming by the thousands. So many of them that they actually appeared as if they were a large wave coming in!
Some countries have had so much snow like Turkey and Japan that it’s closing down movement of normal living. Japan for instance has had drifts that measured 13 feet. Just mountains of snow.
The European countries have suffered much and heavy destruction with loss of lives from several hurricanes. Eunice was one of the worst, packing winds on shore of 122 miles per hour.
Trees and power lines were downed. Homes and buildings were damaged. Vehicles had trees falling on them and were submerged in the flood waters.
With the month of February coming to a close we look in retrospect of what the Lord has done already in just two months. God is constantly hearing our prayers and delivering us day by day. As I prophesied in the video on Jan. 25, 2022, when you listen to the videos, release your faith for your needs to be met so the Lord can touch you. He is the God that never fails! It is impossible for Him to fail! Don’t we love knowing that! Jesus is the way maker. He will always be there for you.
In His Name, Bro. Timothy and Sis. Rose Dixon
Posted in Newsletter
Posted in Hurricanes, Turkey, Japan, Tsunami, Mount St. Helens, Argentina, Earthquakes
Posted in Hurricanes, Turkey, Japan, Tsunami, Mount St. Helens, Argentina, Earthquakes
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