September 1st, 2022
The Lord has really been good to us this year! Here we are already facing the season of fall and we will hopefully see cooler weather for the upcoming season of putting the Gospel Tents up all over these United States of America! God knows what He is doing getting us all ready for the rest of His worldwide HARVEST of souls. He has said this is it! This is the LAST CALL! We must get ready, stay ready and prepare to help countless others to get ready to meet Him! Amen!
Women’s meeting in Tacoma, WA slated for Fri., Sat., and Sun. was held in a retreat Sept. 16, 17, 18, 2022. Sis. Rose was teaching this series of messages to these ladies. They were expecting the Lord to move in a mighty way.
We had a blessed time. We were up till 2am praying. These people are precious. They love the Lord. This retreat has been powerful! God is so good! Lots of people got touched from the Lord. The Ukrainian, Belarusian and the Russian women welcomed us with open arms. They spoke English, Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian. I’ve never felt such love of God like I have from these women.
One lady was healed of crippling arthritis. She could hardly get around and was taking strong meds. When she received her healing, she ran and jumped and praised God!
We have had the most awesome encounters with the Lord! Not a minute was wasted! We were in prayer eight hours a day. The Holy Ghost healed. He caried our sorrows and healed our grievances. The Spirit manifested. What an encounter we have had! What a mighty God we serve!
The Lord used Sis. Rose in a powerful way! She prayed the prayer of faith for many to receive their healings and miracles. Many, many wanted prayer and received miracles! She also prophesied to these ladies for the edification of the body of Christ. Words can’t express how powerful this move of God was!
Sis. Rose gave a word of restoration to these ladies exhorting them from the Book of Joel. She ministered individually to each one and when she prayed for them, healings and miracles were received. She also ministered specific Scriptures to each one as the Lord led.
The biggest thing I witnessed was from Is. 53:4 where Jesus bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. The Lord did this by His Spirit for everyone. He reached down into the hearts and lifted out all the pains of grief and sorrow. All left with joy and restoration. “Healing by the blood of the Lamb. They are new creatures in Christ Jesus after this retreat.” The sincere cry of each one’s heart was heard by the Lord and they all left rejoicing! Each had a new beginning!
It was an encounter we will always remember! So precious is the King of all kings! We were under a thick cloud of His precious anointing.
We were told stories of these Christian refugees who suffered under a Communist regime until God delivered them to the United States of America 21 years ago. What a Savior! He reached into every one’s heart that had been persecuted for His Name’s sake and brought healing. He pulled out all the pain and agony they had carried inside for years of persecutions. After prayer, there was such peace and joy! All faces were shining with the Glory of God.
He strengthened every woman for the battles ahead. This retreat is the most powerful move I have ever encountered. All were in one mind and one accord: soldiers of the cross.
Then Monday night we were back in Seattle where we had church again. We arrived about 5 pm and were in service till 10 pm, five straight hours. We prayed and worshipped and prayed for people who kept coming for prayer! It was awesome!
We arrived back in Little Rock late Tues. afternoon. God was still moving in a great way here in Arkansas. Sis. Rose expounded on the Scriptures Tues. night and ladies were still coming Wed.
On September 29, 2022 in Warrior, AL: Bro. Timothy Dixon: I began my part of the service with the all-time favorite of One More Exodus Is Coming. For the next hour and half I spoke under the Anointing to the huge crowd gathered some of the visions/dreams/miracles we have seen under my ministry.
I related I saw DC overtaken under a darkness of Abaddon which was over demons under his command: lords of darkness. People were praying all over DC. They were interceding for this Nation. “Lord, we bring our petition before the King of kings and the Lord of lords.”
I saw words come up before the Courts of Heaven and I heard, “GRANTED.” The Lord also said, “GRANTED” for getting our country back.
These next couple of months, I’m going to raise the dead. A hearse will pull up. God will raise the one in it!
We’re fixing to behold a new country! Praise the Lord!
A WORD OF EXHORTATION: Yes, we’ve been busy with the work of the Lord this month. I’ve made several videos. We have had time to seek the Lord, especially for the remainder of the year. We have been much in prayer for His direction. It’s a time to have hope for better things ahead. It’s a time to look up for your redemption draws nigh. It’s a time to become well-acquainted with the voice of the Shepherd for there are many voices in the land we do not need to follow. Jesus said, Let no man deceive you.
We are looking forward to our meeting in Grand Ridge, FL in January. Make plans now to come.
It will be a majestic gathering.
The month of October will bring new and glorious visitations from the Lord. Look forward to being in His Presence every opportunity! Thank you for all you do to support us. God bless!
Women’s meeting in Tacoma, WA slated for Fri., Sat., and Sun. was held in a retreat Sept. 16, 17, 18, 2022. Sis. Rose was teaching this series of messages to these ladies. They were expecting the Lord to move in a mighty way.
We had a blessed time. We were up till 2am praying. These people are precious. They love the Lord. This retreat has been powerful! God is so good! Lots of people got touched from the Lord. The Ukrainian, Belarusian and the Russian women welcomed us with open arms. They spoke English, Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian. I’ve never felt such love of God like I have from these women.
One lady was healed of crippling arthritis. She could hardly get around and was taking strong meds. When she received her healing, she ran and jumped and praised God!
We have had the most awesome encounters with the Lord! Not a minute was wasted! We were in prayer eight hours a day. The Holy Ghost healed. He caried our sorrows and healed our grievances. The Spirit manifested. What an encounter we have had! What a mighty God we serve!
The Lord used Sis. Rose in a powerful way! She prayed the prayer of faith for many to receive their healings and miracles. Many, many wanted prayer and received miracles! She also prophesied to these ladies for the edification of the body of Christ. Words can’t express how powerful this move of God was!
Sis. Rose gave a word of restoration to these ladies exhorting them from the Book of Joel. She ministered individually to each one and when she prayed for them, healings and miracles were received. She also ministered specific Scriptures to each one as the Lord led.
The biggest thing I witnessed was from Is. 53:4 where Jesus bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. The Lord did this by His Spirit for everyone. He reached down into the hearts and lifted out all the pains of grief and sorrow. All left with joy and restoration. “Healing by the blood of the Lamb. They are new creatures in Christ Jesus after this retreat.” The sincere cry of each one’s heart was heard by the Lord and they all left rejoicing! Each had a new beginning!
It was an encounter we will always remember! So precious is the King of all kings! We were under a thick cloud of His precious anointing.
We were told stories of these Christian refugees who suffered under a Communist regime until God delivered them to the United States of America 21 years ago. What a Savior! He reached into every one’s heart that had been persecuted for His Name’s sake and brought healing. He pulled out all the pain and agony they had carried inside for years of persecutions. After prayer, there was such peace and joy! All faces were shining with the Glory of God.
He strengthened every woman for the battles ahead. This retreat is the most powerful move I have ever encountered. All were in one mind and one accord: soldiers of the cross.
Then Monday night we were back in Seattle where we had church again. We arrived about 5 pm and were in service till 10 pm, five straight hours. We prayed and worshipped and prayed for people who kept coming for prayer! It was awesome!
We arrived back in Little Rock late Tues. afternoon. God was still moving in a great way here in Arkansas. Sis. Rose expounded on the Scriptures Tues. night and ladies were still coming Wed.
On September 29, 2022 in Warrior, AL: Bro. Timothy Dixon: I began my part of the service with the all-time favorite of One More Exodus Is Coming. For the next hour and half I spoke under the Anointing to the huge crowd gathered some of the visions/dreams/miracles we have seen under my ministry.
I related I saw DC overtaken under a darkness of Abaddon which was over demons under his command: lords of darkness. People were praying all over DC. They were interceding for this Nation. “Lord, we bring our petition before the King of kings and the Lord of lords.”
I saw words come up before the Courts of Heaven and I heard, “GRANTED.” The Lord also said, “GRANTED” for getting our country back.
These next couple of months, I’m going to raise the dead. A hearse will pull up. God will raise the one in it!
We’re fixing to behold a new country! Praise the Lord!
A WORD OF EXHORTATION: Yes, we’ve been busy with the work of the Lord this month. I’ve made several videos. We have had time to seek the Lord, especially for the remainder of the year. We have been much in prayer for His direction. It’s a time to have hope for better things ahead. It’s a time to look up for your redemption draws nigh. It’s a time to become well-acquainted with the voice of the Shepherd for there are many voices in the land we do not need to follow. Jesus said, Let no man deceive you.
We are looking forward to our meeting in Grand Ridge, FL in January. Make plans now to come.
It will be a majestic gathering.
The month of October will bring new and glorious visitations from the Lord. Look forward to being in His Presence every opportunity! Thank you for all you do to support us. God bless!
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I am traveling by car from California to Grand Ridge for your Gathering. I am on a disabled and on a fixed income. Are there any other Christian single women willing to share hotel expenses. Thank you in advance for any consideration you may have for this request.
I Thank God for you and sister Rose. I pray to the Father of our souls to Give you a Double Portion of HIS ANOINTING. To also open bigger doors and to Bless you, watch over you and your family as His Angels surround you where ever you go. Time is short and Many souls will be saved. God is standing Up and HE will do things that will blow our minds. And the unbelievers minds that yes, there is God of Israel and His perfect spotless Lamb Jesus who died for us all. If only they will BELIEVE.
May the sweet Holy Spirit of God be with you always and Forever. Amen and Amen
Jan Woods
Servant of the Most High God