June 1st, 2022
Praise the Lord! God surely blessed us during May. We have been able to get into a few services ourselves and be blessed and refreshed by the Spirit. I have been able to get more videos on my channel. We now have 100K subscribers! Praise the Lord! God is good all the time!
We have truly looked forward to the June 10, 11, 12 meetings in Ft. Payne under the Gospel Tent on the Fairgrounds! Thousands planned to come! There have been miracles, signs and wonders and good singing and preaching.
April 17, 2022 The Lord’s going to turn things around in Ft. Payne, AL. He’s going to send a spirit of revival that will stay there. The ALABAMA JUBILEE, the Days of Elijah, June 10, 11, 12 did just that. PROPHECY FULILLED!
The Lord had given me a dream with instructions a year ago. He told me I was to bring revival to Ft. Payne to fulfill a 100-year-old prophecy. So I began months in advance preparing for it.
This revival fire will remain in Ft. Payne to keep the body of Christ here afire with the Holy Ghost and furthermore it will go out from here round the world! God knows what He is doing.
He gave me the name for the revival and specific plans. Yes, the Lord is very much concerned with His people because He loves us!
The ALABAMA JUBILEE began on time as the Days of Elijah finally came to the calendar: Friday, June 10, Saturday, June 11, and Sunday, June 12.
Singing began as planned for the afternoon of June 10. Then Bro. Wilbert Reed brought a Spirit inspired message Fri. night. This man of God and Prophet prayed for every individual who wanted prayer after such a message as he delivered from the Lord. He is awe inspiring.
June 11 brought an afternoon of singing as well. Then Saturday evening Bro. Kent Christmas brought a awesome prophecy forth to give encouragement to all of us. Several were saved afterwards. Many came for a fresh infilling of the Spirit with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
June 12 gave us more enjoyment from the anointed singing and playing. Sunday night was no exception. I was on the platform involved in singing and playing my guitar. I ministered to those that the Lord led me to. Sis. Rose came up and gave us some encouragement like she is good at doing.
We want to thank all the groups who joined us these three days who played and sang for Jesus.
I especially thank Bro. Wilbert Reed and Bro. Kent Christmas for being with us and bringing fresh words from the Throne. We thank each of you who came to hear and be a part of this great move of God. I believe we left with more of the Lord than when we arrived! Praise His Wonderful Name!
Signs in the sky above the tent:
Friday morning, July 10 there was a perfect set of beautiful white clouds over the tent. In the very center of the clouds there was a smaller round cloud peeking out with two prevalent “eyes” and a smiling mouth that let us know God was pleased with obedience to come and bring to pass this 100-year-old prophecy of a revival for Ft. Payne.
March 30, 2021 Shake Ft. Payne, AL. The meeting June 10,11, and 12, 2022 was a success in many ways. It brought people together and gave great encouragement to all who came. Only time will tell the story of all that was accomplished for the Lord. Prophecy Fulfilled.
We’ve just had a super, super, super meeting in Ft. Payne, AL. It was a great, great meeting. There was such a powerful, powerful move of God. It reminded me of when the Lord spoke that He was going to move like He did in the Lewis Revival in Scotland. This Ft. Payne meeting was so powerful. It stayed with you. It’s different when you get in such a powerful meeting that it stays inside your heart and remains in you. Everything changes. I can still feel the change that took place in me. All the Evangelistic Team said it was such a powerful meeting.
The Lord told me the remainder of this year we’ll have such an OUTPOURING of the HOLY GHOST. There’s going to be miracles, signs and wonders. I’m excited about what the Lord is doing!
Victory Life Church in Rogersville, MO: June 24 and 25 at 7pm. June 26 at 10 am and 7pm.
This was a great meeting in Missouri. The Power of God fell. I think there were at least 30 people healed from cancer. Amazing! I know He is a HEALER. I’m just amazed at the magnitude of the healings!
Then Sunday night June 26 as part of the service I took time as I felt of the Lord to share a dream from the Lord about the Native American Indians. In the dream the Lord said He would revisit the Holy Seed. He also said there will be a five-fold Apostolic ministry that He will raise up from the Ancient Land. Then He said the Covenant message shall come from the firstborn of the nations. This has already begun.
A Word from the Prophet Bro. Timothy Dixon:
The Lord is working such as never before to restore His Church. He has promised us once that is accomplished, He will pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh just like in the Book of Joel and Acts.
Let us daily do our part to see this come to pass with our own eyes in this time in which we are living. We’ve looked forward to miracles, signs and wonders and the dead being raised. Let us even more look forward to souls by the thousands to be brought into the Kingdom of the Lord in this last day call of the End time Harvest.
I truly thank you for all the support and attendance to the services when that is possible. Thank you for all your concern and prayers. I indeed pray for you His people daily. God bless!
We have truly looked forward to the June 10, 11, 12 meetings in Ft. Payne under the Gospel Tent on the Fairgrounds! Thousands planned to come! There have been miracles, signs and wonders and good singing and preaching.
April 17, 2022 The Lord’s going to turn things around in Ft. Payne, AL. He’s going to send a spirit of revival that will stay there. The ALABAMA JUBILEE, the Days of Elijah, June 10, 11, 12 did just that. PROPHECY FULILLED!
The Lord had given me a dream with instructions a year ago. He told me I was to bring revival to Ft. Payne to fulfill a 100-year-old prophecy. So I began months in advance preparing for it.
This revival fire will remain in Ft. Payne to keep the body of Christ here afire with the Holy Ghost and furthermore it will go out from here round the world! God knows what He is doing.
He gave me the name for the revival and specific plans. Yes, the Lord is very much concerned with His people because He loves us!
The ALABAMA JUBILEE began on time as the Days of Elijah finally came to the calendar: Friday, June 10, Saturday, June 11, and Sunday, June 12.
Singing began as planned for the afternoon of June 10. Then Bro. Wilbert Reed brought a Spirit inspired message Fri. night. This man of God and Prophet prayed for every individual who wanted prayer after such a message as he delivered from the Lord. He is awe inspiring.
June 11 brought an afternoon of singing as well. Then Saturday evening Bro. Kent Christmas brought a awesome prophecy forth to give encouragement to all of us. Several were saved afterwards. Many came for a fresh infilling of the Spirit with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
June 12 gave us more enjoyment from the anointed singing and playing. Sunday night was no exception. I was on the platform involved in singing and playing my guitar. I ministered to those that the Lord led me to. Sis. Rose came up and gave us some encouragement like she is good at doing.
We want to thank all the groups who joined us these three days who played and sang for Jesus.
I especially thank Bro. Wilbert Reed and Bro. Kent Christmas for being with us and bringing fresh words from the Throne. We thank each of you who came to hear and be a part of this great move of God. I believe we left with more of the Lord than when we arrived! Praise His Wonderful Name!
Signs in the sky above the tent:
Friday morning, July 10 there was a perfect set of beautiful white clouds over the tent. In the very center of the clouds there was a smaller round cloud peeking out with two prevalent “eyes” and a smiling mouth that let us know God was pleased with obedience to come and bring to pass this 100-year-old prophecy of a revival for Ft. Payne.
March 30, 2021 Shake Ft. Payne, AL. The meeting June 10,11, and 12, 2022 was a success in many ways. It brought people together and gave great encouragement to all who came. Only time will tell the story of all that was accomplished for the Lord. Prophecy Fulfilled.
We’ve just had a super, super, super meeting in Ft. Payne, AL. It was a great, great meeting. There was such a powerful, powerful move of God. It reminded me of when the Lord spoke that He was going to move like He did in the Lewis Revival in Scotland. This Ft. Payne meeting was so powerful. It stayed with you. It’s different when you get in such a powerful meeting that it stays inside your heart and remains in you. Everything changes. I can still feel the change that took place in me. All the Evangelistic Team said it was such a powerful meeting.
The Lord told me the remainder of this year we’ll have such an OUTPOURING of the HOLY GHOST. There’s going to be miracles, signs and wonders. I’m excited about what the Lord is doing!
Victory Life Church in Rogersville, MO: June 24 and 25 at 7pm. June 26 at 10 am and 7pm.
This was a great meeting in Missouri. The Power of God fell. I think there were at least 30 people healed from cancer. Amazing! I know He is a HEALER. I’m just amazed at the magnitude of the healings!
Then Sunday night June 26 as part of the service I took time as I felt of the Lord to share a dream from the Lord about the Native American Indians. In the dream the Lord said He would revisit the Holy Seed. He also said there will be a five-fold Apostolic ministry that He will raise up from the Ancient Land. Then He said the Covenant message shall come from the firstborn of the nations. This has already begun.
A Word from the Prophet Bro. Timothy Dixon:
The Lord is working such as never before to restore His Church. He has promised us once that is accomplished, He will pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh just like in the Book of Joel and Acts.
Let us daily do our part to see this come to pass with our own eyes in this time in which we are living. We’ve looked forward to miracles, signs and wonders and the dead being raised. Let us even more look forward to souls by the thousands to be brought into the Kingdom of the Lord in this last day call of the End time Harvest.
I truly thank you for all the support and attendance to the services when that is possible. Thank you for all your concern and prayers. I indeed pray for you His people daily. God bless!
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